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  • Writer's pictureTina Mews

Astrology: Navigate by the stars with Tina

Hi, I am Tina.

After our trip around Australia in 1988, we finally arrived in Byron Bay. At the time we were not quite sure about our next step, because our plans – which had involved other people – had dissipated. We walked through Johnston Street and there was this small shop that attracted my interest. When I had a closer look I realised that it was a book shop that also offered astrology consultations. We instantly arranged a reading with the guy for the next day. The consultation was an amazing experience and I have studied and practiced astrology ever since.

I am teaching astrology classes from our beautiful community centre on a regular basis since 2008. My aim is to combine soul development work with astrology.

For many years now, I have been writing the monthly astrological column for the Nimbin Good Times, a very popular local paper (, trying to familiarise the layperson with astrological insights and symbolic meaning.

You can find about upcoming workshops on Lillifield's event calendar or on Star-Loom.

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